We met Jazzmine at Bridal Extravaganza in 2017 I believe. She already booked a wedding photographer and videographer for $7000+! She stopped by at our booth and was really surprised to see our prices for the quality. She wanted to cancel we photographer and wanted to book us, and she did book us right away putting down only $200! .
Later on her wedding date changed couple of times, it got pushed out and then they pulled the date in again. They changed the venue as well. They bought a new home and went through some job change situation. She downgraded the initial package she signed up for as well. We worked with her and at the end we are just glad that it all worked out well and were able to do her weddings.
Chateau Crystal is beautiful inside. We have done several weddings there already. but as every wedding is different, we discover the venue differently every-time as well.
Getting ready:
She got ready at the nearby hotel. So we started there..
It was one of the fastest ceremony I have ever seen..but it was beautiful, sweet and short.
Here is highlights video from the day: